Jamie Alcorn

 yoga at home

Yoga practices for feeling at home in your body, mind, and heart.


Private Instruction

Practice yoga in the privacy and convenience of your own home.

Private yoga instruction is a service that centers around you. This one-on-one experience allows me, as your instructor, to give my undivided attention to your particular practice, and guide you on your unique journey toward the results you want to see. All sessions are customized around your specific needs and conducted at a pace to meet your personal goals. No over-crowded studio classes, fancy yoga pants, or experience required.

All you need is a yoga mat—and you, just as you are.

Yoga for Alignment

90 minutes | $125

Create healthy new structural habits in the body and cultivate an empowering understanding of physical postures and movement.

Yoga for Alignment includes:

  • Intricate study of structural alignment in foundational yoga postures.

  • Informative hands-on adjustments.

  • Therapeutic practices to support spinal (back, neck, and shoulders) health.

  • Educated use of props to reinforce positive new postural habits.

Yoga for Alignment is perfect for you if:

  • You’ve never done yoga, and you’re ready to give it a try, but you’re nervous and don’t know where to start.

  • You’ve got some experience with yoga and want to develop a better understanding of the poses as you grow your practice.

  • You’re an experienced yoga student seeking to refine your practice and deepen your understanding of the physical postures.

  • You’re working with an injury or chronic physical pain, and are looking for ways to modify the practice to suit your needs.

Yoga For Restoration

90 minutes | $125

Slow down the body and mind, and release deep muscle tension, through passive relaxation poses, aromatherapy, and sound healing.

Yoga for Restoration includes:

  • Long holds of deeply relaxing, restive yoga poses.

  • Thoughtful use of props to support total relaxation of the body.

  • Simple breathing practices to oxygenate the body, and soothe the nervous system.

  • Therapeutic use of aromatherapy and sound healing.

  • Optional use of mantras, meditation, journaling and other ritual practices when appropriate and desired.

Yoga for Restoration is perfect for you if:

  • You’re having a hard time slowing down, are struggling with insomnia, anxiety, or shortness of breath.

  • You’re suffering from chronic muscle tension or tightness.

  • You’re seeking healing rituals and practices to develop deeper inner awareness and intuition.

  • You want to treat yourself to restful, soulful alone time.

Yoga for Anxiety and Self-Regulation

90 minutes | $125

Develop skills for regulating the anxiety response expanding your sense of possibility through various yoga methods. Designed specifically around your unique needs, and practiced in the privacy and safety of your own home.

Yoga for Anxiety and Self-Regulation includes:

  • Therapeutic yoga methods to develop a feeling of strength and stability in the body.

  • Breathing practices to use both on and off the mat when dealing with anxiety.

  • Meditative techniques to cultivate mental calm and groundedness.

  • Designated time for discussion, processing, and reflection after the physical practice.

Yoga for Anxiety and Self-Regulation is perfect for you if:

  • You experience panic attacks, difficulty overcoming fears, chronic indecision, or other symptoms of anxiety and stress.

  • You’re struggling with self-esteem or body confidence, and looking for ways to cultivate a healthy and loving relationship with your body.

  • You find it hard to initiate and maintain healthy relationships, and often feel lonely or alienated.

  • You feel “stuck,” hopeless, or worry that life is “passing you by,” and are ready to make courageous changes for a happier and more fulfilling life.